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146th meeting of The Lyncean Group of San Diego 

Date: Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Location: Southwestern Yacht Club
2702 Qualtrough Street, San Diego, CA 92106 (Point Loma) 

Speaker: Kevin Sheek, Southern California Edison, Emergency Preparedness Senior Advisor, Nuclear

Topic: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Decommissioning Status and the Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Speaker bio:  Kevin began his career with Southern California Edison in July 1989 at the Field Services Division in Westminster, CA. He soon transferred to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in 1990, where he worked as a Nuclear Plant Equipment Operator, on-shift for over 20 years. 

Then, Kevin transferred to the SONGS Operations Training Department for 5 years, where he worked as a Senior Reactor Operator Certified Training Instructor.

In 2014, Kevin transferred to the Emergency Preparedness Department, transitioning the SONGS Emergency Plan from an Operating status to a Decommissioning/Dry Cask Storage status to reflect the current state of the plant. He maintains his dedication to the safe storage of spent nuclear fuel at the San Onofre site and regularly engages with the public, as well as local and federal officials, by leading tours and describing what is taking place at SONGS.

Kevin grew up in Southern California, currently residing in Oceanside with his wife of 37 years, 2 children and 5 grandchildren.

Abstract: The presentation will address the operation and current decommissioning of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, which provided over 50 years of emissions-free electricity. In 2013, the plant was permanently shut down for decommissioning and all the spent nuclear fuel has since been transferred to dry cask storage. An overview will be provided of the dry cask storage process and the progress being made to dismantle the on-site structures. The longer-term plans for the future for the SONGS site will be discussed.

Luncheon meeting at Southwestern Yacht Club
