# Date Speaker Subject Place*
23 2/1/06 Bruce Ridout Animals and Humans: Friends or Foes? San Diego Zoo
24 3/29/06 Costa Cassapakis Large Rigidized-Inflatable Space Structures Enabling Effective Access to Space SIO
25 5/10/06 Nelson Byrne Table-Top Simulation of Nuclear Bursts SWYC
N/A 5/24/06 John MacKinney EPA R&D Program on Radiological Decontamination SWYC
26 6/28/06 Bill Fenical Medical Future of Pharmaceuticals from the Ocean SIO
27 8/9/06 Behrokh Khoshnevis Upcoming Revolution in Construction SWYC
28 9/20/06 Bob Weaver Use of Massive Parallel Supercomputers FSC
29 11/8/06 Richard Lukens Exoplanets and the Drake Equation SWYC

2006 Montage

*See Past Meetings tab for explanation of Place acronyms