Talk #100, 12/16/15

The Power of Technology to Transform the Future

Dr. Hossein Eslambolchi
CEO, Cyberflow Analytics
CEO, 2020 Venture Partners
Past President and CEO, AT&T Labs
Past President and CEO, AT&T Global Network Services


In this talk, Dr. Eslambolchi will present how the power of technology will transform the future. He will describe what he views on the top technology trends over the next several years. He will discuss how these technologies will transform the world and our daily lives. He will present the evolution and future direction of Information Communication integral to every aspect of society: Digital Government, Commerce, Health Care, Education, Security, Military, and Arts & Culture. Dr. Eslambolchi will explore the resulting challenges and research opportunities for academia, industry, business, and society and the need for university – industry partnership. He will show how these major trends are already impacting the telecommunications industry.

Viewgraphs from Dr. Eslambolchi’s talk are at this link:

The Power of Technology to Transform the Future

In addition to Dr. Eslambolchi’s talk, a “Lyncean clock” was presented to Larry Kull by Doug Pewitt and Jim Lonergan in recognition of Larry’s founding role.


Bill Hagan also gave a short presentation on the Lyncean Group, which is at this link:

Lyncean 100th Meeting