Mary and Jesus Christ Stayed for Three and Half Years in Egypt 2000 Years Ago
Dr. Magdy Mansour Badawy
General Director of Conservation, Coptic Museum, Cairo
Director for Research and Conservation by Laser (SCA)
Professor, Institute of Coptic Studies, Cairo
Dr. Badawy spoke to the Lyncean Group back in September of 2007. A lot in Egypt has changed since then but, due to its roots in ancient history, a lot has remained the same. Dr. Badawy gave an introduction to the Egypt of today and a brief history of ancient Egypt. Then, in fitting with the season, he gave an historical perspective on the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt. He described the most historically important locations visited during that trip as well as the sites and places that were blessed and became Christian communities. Finally, Dr. Badawy discussed the potential for travel to Egypt today.
The following is a link to the presentation (pptx file extension).
Presentation, Part 1
Presentation, Part 2