Anthropogenic Global Warming – Unsettled Science
Hugh Kendrick
This talk has focussed on the difficulties in predicting the effects of human CO2 emissions. Such difficulties range from whether natural and anthropogenic contributions to climate change can be distinguished to how reliable changes in temperature and CO2 on a global scale can be measured today and estimated historically. Basic greenhouse gas theory teaches that anthropogenic CO2 emissions must contribute to warming, but is the degree as dangerous as some predict? The science is complex and all the important relationships are not well understood.
The following is a link to the presentation (pptx format).
The following is a link to the presentation (ppt format).
FYI, I have added the following 5 slides to my presentation. I put them in the section called AGW Effects. One is on what is really causing heating in the Arctic (heat convection from the tropics trapped by clouds, and aerosols and soot from burning coal in Russia and China w/o hi-tech scrubbers). Four are on ocean acidification (measurements show historical pH has fluctuated around today’s levels in contrast to models that wrongly predict increases due to CO2).