Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 11:30 AM
Location: Southwestern Yacht Club
2702 Qualtrough Street
San Diego, CA 92106 (Point Loma)
Pamela Cosman
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California San Diego

An Engineer’s Data-Driven Perspective on Gender in STEM
A great deal of often heated debate and misinformation surrounds the under-representation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. Theories abound about the degree to which biological factors, personal choice, discrimination, and other factors contribute. Surprising data from around the world as well as historical data in the U.S. offer insights into current trends in the U.S. Spanning from the global to the very local, this talk will also include new UCSD research on behavioral patterns in interviews for engineering academic jobs, and on the use of career assessment tools that recommend possible majors to undecided students.
In Addition:
Prof. Cosman will be bringing copies of her children’s book, The Secret Code Menace, to sell and sign. It is meant for children ages 9-11 and would make a great gift. The price is $10. It is published by Ransom Publishing. Here is their description of the book:
A thoughtful and provocative fiction story about the science of secret codes and error correction. Sara, Daniel and Jared have devised their own simple code to communicate with each other in class at school. But when a written, coded message is amended en-route to Sara and she gets into trouble, they start to explore how they could protect their code from tampering by somebody. This all remains a private hobby, until one day, on a school trip to a bank, the class is caught up in an attempted bank robbery. Suddenly Sara, Daniel and Jared’s playing with codes – and with methods of error correction – has an urgent reality. With a story that is both intriguing and puzzling, this book is perfect for children who want to read something out of the ordinary, something different to the usual range of books on offer for their age group. As part of our Cold Fusion series, it is a relatively short read, but still has a compelling plot and offers plenty for the reader to think about, so it’s perfect for more able reluctant readers.

You can download Prof. Cosman’s slides by clicking on the link below:
Cosman Slides
You can download Bill Hagan’s slides by clicking on the following link:
Meeting Slides 4-3-19